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Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland, United Kingdom
This is a blog I use to share my papercraft projects. I make them for friends and family, as well as selling them to fund my craft stash. You can get in touch with me at loumac03@gmail.com if you have any questions or would like to place a commissioned order.

Friday, 23 December 2011

White on.. well.. WHITE!!

I quite literally cannot. believe. that the big guy in red will be coming TOMORROW night!! Woahhhh. Are ya all ready?! I sure hope so, 'cause there ain't long left now!! About 72 hours and it'll all be over. No more hoo-har for another year. Let's hope next time I'm more prepared and my family get some Christmas cards from me specifically made for them. Anyway.. waffle. What a surprise.

I'm here to give ya some LLLC goodness for Inspiration Friday. :)

This week the DT have been creating All White creations - except the image. Quite suiting, me thinks.. considering the state some areas of the UK have been in the past few weeks with snow and slush and all that lovely stuff. :)

Here's my take using a BRAND NEW image from the Valentine's Day release which are available for PRE-ORDER over at La La Land Crafts NOW. Grab them HERE.


Look at those little tootsies!! Awhhh man. I've coloured this cutie using the usual suspects.

Skin - YR000, YR00, E01, E11, R30, R20
Hair - E50, E51, E53
Yellow - Pastel Yellow, Yellow, Mustard
Pink - Cocktail Pink, Salmon Pink, Carmine
Arrow - Cool Grey 3, 5
Leaves - Grass, Emerald

This whole white on white thing had me stumped for ages. I had the image coloured, and then I sat, and sat some more. Then walked away from the craft desk, had a coffee. Then sat and thought some more. You getting the idea?! HA! So in the end I went with the smallest space possible without being ridiculous - a tag - and a whole bunch of embossing! :) That counts, right?! Well it's white.. on white. So that's all you're getting! LOL.

Best make tracks and make sure I've got everything sorted in due time so I'm not rushing around like a headless chicken tomorrow. At work almost all day so I'll want to get to bed at a reasonable time to be prepared for the 25th! :) 

Take it easy everyone and I hope you enjoy the rest of the season with you and yours!


  1. Sweet tag!! Merry Christmas sweetie ♥

  2. aw wow this is fabulous lou.gorgeous white on white and the image is so cute :D
    have a fantastic christmas hun.

    xx coops xx


I would love to hear what you think. Thanks for taking the time to look. xo Lou.

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