About Me

My photo
Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland, United Kingdom
This is a blog I use to share my papercraft projects. I make them for friends and family, as well as selling them to fund my craft stash. You can get in touch with me at loumac03@gmail.com if you have any questions or would like to place a commissioned order.

Sunday, 31 October 2010

Shoes Lover

Crikey, two posts in one day, I'm getting back into the old habit. This time is to share a card with you. Last night me and my boyfriend went to town (Newcastle city centre) for a night out drinking for one of his work mates birthdays. Well, the thing is, we didn't have a card for her!! I was disgusted with myself for not planning ahead, so I decided I would quickly make one today for my boyfriend to give to her at work tomorrow.

I had two things to go on..
1. She LOVES shoes
2. Shes a big fan of black and white

So.. here is it..

Pretty plain and simple, but I think she will like it! :) The photos don't really do it justice, but the silver embossing looks soooo shiny in real life (take my word for it). Those shoes look soooo high, you have to have real skill to be able to walk in shoes that high without it looking like you've sh.. well.. you know where this is going!!

I'm contemplating whether to add glitter to the white areas of the shoe design, I'll see how my boyfriend feels, as he knows the lady better than me.

[Note:] I shall add a supply list once I remember what the MME paper I used for the shoe was called. Many of the products, such as the vellum and the silver embossing powder have no brand names that I can supply you with I'm afraid.

I used two Slice Design Cards - Basic Elements for the die cut shape behind the shoe and Just Chillin' Teen for the shoe itself.


Happy Halloween

Looks a bit like Jack Skellington; dontcha think? :)

Evening peeps! :) Hope you are well, and have loads of kids coming trick or treating at your door!! :) I know I sure have. Some of them really make a big effort with their costumes, they look great!!

In the Halloween theme I thought I would show you some sweet boxes I made from the die templates a friend (Clairebear79) over at Trimcraft sent me. These are the type I am giving the sweets out in tonight!! I made 6 boxes, some orange some red, and the rest of the sweets are in little doggy bags. I plan on giving the best dressed kids the sweet boxes, cruel I know, but I only had a limited number of the die cuts and I didn't want to give them all away.

So here they are..

This picture shows the orange boxes, I used My Minds Eye - Boo to You paper collection to decorate them, as well as SU! scalloped circle punch and some Hero Arts stamps!! Really quick and simple, I hope you approve!


Friday, 29 October 2010

Some scheduled posts..

Hey guys, I have been busy card making and doing a few other projects yesterday and today, so I have some scheduled posts to post in due course. Thought I would let you all know!! :)

One of the challenges I set myself today was to make a few cards using the Cosmo Cricket - De Lovely collection. I loved the look of this paper on paper, if you get what I mean, but ever since I got it I've been really struggling to find inspiration and to design projects I want to use it on. So.. it sorta went well, but I think a few of the cards are going to have to have time to grow on me!!

Take it easy, Lou. xo

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Milka, Milka, Milka

Tell me, who doesn't like/love/crave/dream about Milka Chocolate, of all varieties?!

At the moment, these three are my favs:

Cookies & Cream
and Milk & White Chocolate.


I must remember to not eat them all at once..

And while I've got this post going, here are two cards I made a while a go which I have just come across on the archive on my computer, so I thought I would upload them! :)

Thats all for now, I hope you have a nice day. I'm at uni 4-6, what a stupid time to timetable a lecture. Let me tell you now, no one shows up!!


Wednesday, 27 October 2010

WOYWW 27/10/10

Hey all, a quick post tonight, as I have just returned from picking my boyfriend up from rugby practice, and I have yet to sort bits and bobs out for tomorrow (errands, uni notes, bank stuff). Yack, boorrring. I would like a relatively early night. Its been so long since I've had an early night and a lie in, I'm beginning to forget how good (or apparently so..) they feel.

Onto the desk..

In all fairness, there isn't a lot going on. This was the 'mess' I left it in before I went and picked my boyfriend up. I was trying out a stamped image to see how well it would work with paper piecing. I got as far as stamping the image..

To the right hand side is my pink bag full of nail varnish and everything to do with 'painting your nails'. Little nail gems, primers, top coats. The lot. You would think I was interested in beauty, let me tell you now. I'm not. I merely like to have a little colour on my nails for the simple fact they used to constantly be in my mouth getting chewed when I was younger, and now they're not, they're lovely and long (if I do say so myself!!).

To the very right are two books, one I have just finished reading, another I am about to read for the 3rd time! :) {HEART} James Herbert.

There isn't really much else for me to add. A glass of Ribena on the left hand side. (next to the laptop - naughty Lou!! You don't wanna know how many of my laptops have suffered from spilt liquid, yet I still don't learn..) I seem to be ADDICTED to the stuff. Only the diluty one though.

Um.. I went for the implant earlier today. And me being the sicko that I am watched and loved every minute of it! :) I don't care about needles and all that nonsense. In fact, I like grusome stuff. It doesn't hurt, as they numb it with local anesthetic first. Just thought I'd let you all know! :)

Thats it, I'm off. Time is escaping me.. as always. I'll try and pop round some workspaces soon!

[Note:] This was meant to be a quick post. Yeah right, I don't have it in me..

Take care. xo

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Balloons :)

Hey all, hope you have had a good day. The weather here has been miserable, but because I'm that sorta kid, I {love} it! :)

Once I got in from uni I thought I would take an hours break from cramming my brain with stuff, and make a card to enter into a challenge or two :) By the time I had actually got round to making the card the light was fading, so I'm sorry about the quality of the picture.

I kinda wanted to go for a look that used subdued colours, with only hints of brightness. I'm not quite sure that this is what the card turned out like. Its ok all the same, I suppose.

I am planning on entering this card into two challenges:

Solid card stock: SU! - Naturals Ivory; Not Quite Navy; Bazzill - Kraft
Patterened paper: Crate Paper - Restoration 6x6
Stamp: Hero Arts - Monster Fun
Ink: Memento - Tuxedo Black
Ribbon: Gisela Graham 39545
Tools: WRMK - Corner Chomper; Fiskars - Apron Lace border punch; 3/4" Circle punch
Miscellaneous: white gel pen; Staedtler triplus fineliner - black

Thanks for stopping by!!

I best go get some food in me before darts. We are playing our clubs B team at home tonight. Oh. No. It is SOOO uncomfortable. You could slice the tension in a room with a butter knife!! Honestly. I have never ever seen such a competitive game. Ever. Yikes. I'll report back if we have a decent win!! {FINGERS CROSSED}


[Note:] Oh, I just wanna add, this is my first attempt at paper piecing, as simple as it might be! :) LOL.

Sunday, 24 October 2010

70 Today

I'm back, as promised! :) With another card, although this time the theme is birthday instead of Christmas. I think I have almost Christmassed myself out. That is, of course, until Kristina Werners HCS 2010!! :) *YAYYY*

Anyway, here is the card..

This card is for a lady who plays on my darts team. Let me tell you now, she doesn't look act, or indeed play darts, like she is seventy years old. She is one of the most organised women you could ever meet, apart from me of course, and she would go out of her way to help you. This is a little card I quickly put together for our darts game next Tuesday, for the whole team to sign, to wish her Happy Birthday and to thank her for all she does for the club!! :) Some of the other ladies on the team have organised a bunch of flowers to be delivered for her too. I wish her a very happy birthday!! :) <3

Solid card stock: Bazzill - Kraft
Patterened paper: BG - Indian Summer
Stamp: SU! - Ting Tags
Ink: SU! - Rose Red
Tools: MM - Slice (Just Chillin'); SU! - Paper Piercer; SU! - Jewellery Tag Punch
Embellishments: Ribbon - White Grosgrain; Brad - SU!
Miscellaneous: white gel pen

Thats all for now. Going to go find a quote for next years car insurance, make something to eat, and then get back to studying. Fab times!! :/


Joy; Snowflakes

Hey all, back with a scheduled post this afternoon. After recovering from my cousins wedding yesterday, and getting a slice of studying out of the way this morning, I decided to upload this card for you. :)

I decided to keep this card pretty simple, as I wanted a lot of the focus to be on the white embossed snowflakes which are from a set by Inkadinkadoo. I love their Christmas stamps, they are so detailed, yet they work really well on modern/simple cards! :)

Solid card stock: Bazzill - Kraft; SU! - Rose Red
Stamp: Inkadinkadoo - Snowflakes Aplenty
Ink: Versamark
Tools: WRMK - Corner Chomper; Fiskars - Apron Lace border punch; MM - Slice (Just Chillin')
Miscellaneous: white gel pen; AC - White Zing embossing powder; Ranger - Glossy Accents

Thats all for now. Hope you are all keeping well in this chilly autumnal weather! :)

I'll be back very shortly with another card I made with a personalised age embellishment for a woman who plays for my darts team! :)


Friday, 22 October 2010

One Little Box..

..full of Little Cards! :D
After rummaging under my desk last night, I came across these!! I forgot all about them. They were made as I wanted to try out a little gift box for a set of cards. First the box, then the cards were born. These were made a while back. They are pretty simple 3x3 cards, and the box I made was from one of the many tutorials on YouTube!!

One Little Box..
One Little Box + 6 Little Cards

When I done this project I decided to make the majority of the cards Thank you notes, and the other two I added are specifically for a Mother & Father.

The majority of these cards were made using bits and pieces from my Stash. Some BG and HA stamps, some CC and MME papers. You know how it is, use what ever is on hand at the time! :)

I may well be back later with a '70' card I made for one of the women who plays darts with us. Trust me, you would not think the lady was 70!! *shock* All time depending on when I get the shopping done and my Trimcraft Prize Draws drawn.


Thursday, 21 October 2010

Tim Holtz Blog Candy

Over here at Scrap with Stacy  blog, she is having a blog candy give away, full to the brim with Tim Holtz products!! :) How very generous of her.

These are the items which are up for grabs, you can see a full list over at her blog. Good luck to all who enter this :)



I read. A LOT. Perhaps more than I probably should when I'm meant to dedicate time to studying. I particularly love horrors, ghost stories, thrillers, murders etc. Some of my fav authors are James Herbert, Stephen King, Tess Gerritsen and Beverly Barton.

Since starting my course at uni, I have also developed a love for more factual books, such as 'The End of the Line' by Charles Clover, which deals with the issue of overfishing. In fact, this book convinced me to stop eating fish altogether, this is the girl who would quite happily have a fish dish every day of the week. No more. Books such as 'Waste' by Tristram Stuart and 'The World Without Us' by Alan Weisman, which I am reading for the 3rd time!!

I just love words, and the feel of the pages between my fingers, although I have recently started researching e-Readers, such as the Sony e-Reader or the Kindle e-Reader . Although I would prefer my money to be spent on craft stash lol.

Anyway, these are the books I'm reading right now..

And these are the two bookmarks I designed for them. :)

The one on the left hand side is what is known as a 'Corner Bookmark' and I found the idea for the design over at YouTube by Dawn5377.

The bookmark on the right is designed to slide onto the top of your page, so you can see where you are at even when the book is closed. The tutorial for this can be found here.

Hope this has given you some inspiration, and if you like to read books, why not give these a go? :)


Playin' With Pearls

I came across this blog not too long ago. The lady who it belongs to (who goes by the name of Lexi) had kindly posted some tutorials about using 'pearl pens'. I do not have any such thing, although I do own White Opal Liquid Pearls from Ranger so I was pretty excited to come across these two tutorials: Line Tutorial and Flourish Tutorial! xD

I decided to give it a go on some scraps of card, and here were the results.

Line (Purple Card) & Flourish (Green Card) Designs

Close up of the Flourish. I obviously need to improve the control of the
bottle, I would hardly call the big drops even!
LOL. First attempt and all that..

Close up of the Line. Pretty sweet, huh?

Well, they could have been a lot worse considering this was my first attempt. Practice makes pefect and such like! So I will definately be giving this another go!! Pop on over to Lexi's blog for full step by step instructions, where by she uses pearl pens!!

Good luck, and happy crafting.


Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Back with a card :)

Hey hey, I'm back with a little card I just put together. Its another birthday card, for another friend of mine who has a birthday in November, jeez, its gona be a busy month for me as a card maker!! The recipient isn't really much of a girly girl, which is why I thought this Indie Girl 6x6 paper pad from Sassafras would be perfect for a card for her!!

Heres the card, I decided to use the sketch from Mojo Monday 161 as a jumping off point. There is also a closde up of those gorgeous Tiny Tag stamps from SU! {love}. I should really start using them on more projects as they're so versatile, and just the jewellery tag punch is an awesome punch on its own!!

Solid card stock: SU! - Naturals Ivory; Old Olive
Patterened paper: Sassafras - Indie Girl
Stamps: Woodware - Easy Stitching; SU! - Tiny Tags; Hero Arts - Big Hugs
Ink: SU! - Blue Bayou; Old Olive
Ribbon: SU! - Bashful Blue Taffeta
Tools: MM - Slice (Basic Elements); SU! - Paper Piercer; Fiskars - Apron Lace border punch; SU! - 1/16" circle punch; SU! - Jewellery Tag punch

Head on over to Mojo now to join in the fun!!

Lou Mac. xo


Wowza, seems like I am just in time to upload my photo as image uploads will be disabled for two hours from 5.00pm. Yikes. So, gotta get this in here quick, so no chatting. Although I can't guarantee that..

Phew.. uploaded..

So, what a right one we have here don't we? Not much craftyness going on, well, lets be honest, not much craftyness going on at all!! I'm afraid I have/had an assignment due in for tomorrow, good new: its completed and I managed to hand it in early. First time for everything and all that. I amazed myself. However the aftermath can still be seen!! I must admit, it isn't as bad as it was, I sorta tidyed up a bit (oops) so you could get a feel of my whole desk as opposed to the piles of paper that were covering it!

Anyway.. my lovely corner desk in full right there for ya, I kindly moved the chair out of the photo so you can have a neb underneath! You might just be able to make out my MS - Circle cutter on the left hand side, and my gorgeous SU! ink pads on the right hand side of the slidly out drawer thingy. I {heart} those things!!

As you may be able to tell, regardless of whether I am crafting at my desk or studying, it is always surround by stash.. On the table top, underneath and on both sides. Crikey, I have a lot of stuff for someone who hasnt even been crafting a year. The whole three drawers right on the left hand side of the photo are JAM PACKED with stash. Top drawer - 6x6 paper pads, heat gun, stampamajig, card sketch book. 2nd drawer - embellishments, ashesive. Bottom draw - stamp sets. FULL.

What else on there catches your eye? :)

Ohhh, and my G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S Paperchase Pencil Case (Day Trippers line) I {lovelovelove} that thing!! You can just about make it out on the right hand side of my corner chomper (sorry for the quality of the photo, not very good lighting on my behalf). Right inbetween those are my little pots with the names in for my Trimcraft Swop&Share Draws, which will be drawn on Friday. They're getting quite full with names! LOL.

Anyhoo, I think that is about it for now!! :) I have one more scheduled post for during the week, and I might pop in a few more suprises depending on how well I get on with studying, althought personally.. I think I deserve a break!!

Why don'tcha hop on over to Julia's blog to join in the fun and do a bit of blog hopping!!

Take care. xo

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Happy Birthday - Car

Hey all, last week I promised you a few scheduled posts. So here is one!! I am writing this earlier than I thought I would be able to. I have just this minute finished up my Environment Sustainability Assignment, proof read, and proof read again, if anyone would like to read it over for me, please let me know. LOL

So the card for today is a birthday card, specifically for a male. A lad over the road has a birthday on the 4th of November, and he is well into his cars, so I thought this image would be perfect. I wasn't too sure about the colours I've used on this card, but the more I look at it, the more it is growing on me. I have had it standing on my desk since I made it, and only last night did it get put into a wrapper for safe keeping.

On to the card..

I tried to keep it relatively simple - but not too plain - to keep the focus on the image and sentiment.

Solid card stock: Bazzill - Mint Green
Patterned paper: Cosmo Cricket - The Boyfriend
Die-cut sticker: Cosmo Cricket - The Boyfriend cardstock stickers
Die-cut: Cosmo Cricket - The Boyfriend elements sheet
Stamp: Hero Arts - Birthday Sayings
Ink: SU! - Pumpkin Pie
Tape: 7 Gypsies Stip Gaffer Tape
Tools: WRMK - Corner Chomper; SU! - Paper Piercer; SU! - Scalloped Circle punch
Miscellaneous: Ranger - Glossy Accents

I am still in love with glossy accents, even after all this time. I love the effect it gives when you just blob a circle onto your design as opposed to spreading it out to form a layer. These coloured circles on the elements sheet cut out look like little bubbles!! Just lovely!!

Well, I am terribly proud of myself for finishing this assignment in advance of the night before it is due, which I must admit.. is usually the case. I cannot help it, I find that that is the way I work best, under pressure and with lack of sleep. Call me weird, I do.

Sooo.. in light of all of that I might just treat myself to a bit of crafting when I get in from darts later on. Depending on how tired I am of course. My eyes are closing as I write this. But needs must, I have a build up of craftyness inside of me.

Ok, enough with the rambling!! Enjoy the rest of your day/night.


Sunday, 17 October 2010

PB Saturday Challenge Pt. 2

Hey all, I'm back with the envelope, inside of the card and the supplies list for you all to have a look at. :)

This is the card along side its personalised envelope. I added faux stitching in black pen down the right hand side of teh envelope to tie in with the hints of black on the card.

I love being able to see the stitching on the inside of cards, it truely makes the card feel homemade. But I'm always sure to tidy up my stitching and thread it back through itself to elimate the need for adhesive such as cellotape to hold it in place. Now that would look messy!

I'm going to try and make this a quick post without too much waffling on, so onto the supplies..

Solid cards stock: AC - Light Grey; SU! - Whisper White & Rose Red
Patterned paper: SU! - Sweet Pea Collection
Stamps: Hero Arts - Cute Uppercase Letters; AV - Birthday
Ink: Versamark; SU! - Rose Red
Ribbon: White Grosgrain
Magnet: Papermania - Magnet Clasps
Tools: WRMK - Corner Chomper; SU! Paper Piercer
Miscellaneous: white gel pen; white embroidery thread; black fine liner; Stickles - Black Diamond; AC - Zing White embossing powder

And that pretty much finishes up that!! :) Thanks for stopping by.

Note: I decided to post this in a seperate post, as I have in the past tried to add pictures and text to an exisitng post, and boy, it messes up your spacing and you cannot type in the places you want. :/ So I decided to play it safe and just make a new post to finish up this card. I couldn't have been dealing with that cuffuffle not today! Perhaps its just the way I do it, I am slightly daft, but hey. This is what works for me! :)

Note *2: I have more scheduled posts for later on next week sometime. A Christmas card and a male birthday card, so keep your eyes peeled for those!!

Over & Out. xo

PB Saturday Challenge

Hey all, thanks for stopping by today, just a quick post before I get onto some studying, as I wanted to enter another challenge. You could say.. I'm officially addicted. I love the challenges, as they force me out of my comfort zone, I have made two, yes TWO, 5 1/2"x5 1/2" cards in two days, a couple weeks back I would never have dreamed of doing that, all that space to fill, yikes!!

So here is the second square card I have made this weekend, and this is for the Penny Black Saturday Challenge Week 123, its a sketch challenge, so I went to town and done my own thing.. and decided to use that gorgeous bloom I pieced together the other day.

So this is the card I made following this sketch..

A lovely simple sketch. I tried to keep the colours all similar but varying the patterns.. and making the main focus of the card the bloom. As for the greeting, 'A Gift for You'.. this came about as I decided to make the bloom into a magnet, this way the recipient can remove the bloom and use it as a decoration elsewhere, perhaps on a fridge or a magnetic board.

Black diamond stickles, YUMM!

This picture demonstrates the bloom detatched from the magnet on the card front.

 Thats all for now, I will be back later with an update of the inside of the card and the envelope. Need to let those yummy stickles dry before I can do anything else. In the mean time, that Environmental Sustainability assignment is calling my name!!

Lou. xo

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Test Run

I have decided to swap over blogs, and give mine a new look. I didn't like the way my old one was coming up in the news feed, it was bugging the life out of me, so I have decided to change. Blogger is being a little funny, probably because I'm trying to rush it, so this is a test run. Note: stop reading here if you want to stay awake. The rest of this post is going to be pure waffle!!

Test for colour of link: Trimcraft

I really do hope this works and that MY LINKS TURN ORANGE.. and b-r-e-a-t-h-e. Why do I have to have such a perfectionist trait? Jeez, normal people just let these things blow over and forget about them in a few days.. hours even. This will annoy me til I get it working.

Please work..


~Approx 3 minutes later..

-_-  That represents my face right now.. I've sussed it. I can sleep easy. Good. Great. Why are things never straight forward?!?!

Off to do some more studying before bed. My priorities are screwed up right now. I just want a month out when I can craft day in day out, unfortunately.. that will never happen. Not in the forseeable future anyhow!


Greyscale Bloom

Just a quick post. I have been playing around with (a limited number) ProMarkers today, and I decided to colour in some cheap Colour me Crazy flower layers.

Here is the result..

I placed a PaperMania Capsule Collection brad in the centre to really make it pop. Don't have any idea what I will use this on as of yet, probably a very subdued card. Lovely as it is, I might actually just keep it!! {Selfish} Hehe.

Thanks for stopping by!

Lou. xo

Halloween Greetings

Hey all, I was up bright and early this morning as I wanted to squeeze at least one card in before I get down to some studying. I decided to enter it into four challenges..

1) Sketch Challenge #16 over at Trimcraft here,
2) Allsorts Challenge Week 74 - Bingo here,
3) Aly's Sunday Challenge here.
and 4) Stampin' for the Weekend #49 Halloween/Fall here.

So heres the card.. along with a close up of the Brads, Buttons & Punch, which was the criteria I chose for the Allsorts Bingo Challenge Week 74. :)

Since this card isn't my usual size of 5 1/2"x4 1/4" (instead it is 5 1/2"x5 1/2") I decided to personalise the envelope too, just with a little stamp from Hero Arts..

Solid card stock: Bazzill - Kraft
Patterned paper: MME - Boo To You
Die-cut: MME - Boo To You
Buttons: BG - Eskimo Kisses; Woodware - White
Brads: Woodware - Mini Glazed Brads
Ribbon: Unknown
Stamp: Hero Arts - Happy Halloween
Ink: SU! Pumpkin Pie
Tools: MM - Slice (Basic Elements); Martha Stewart Circle Cutter; Fiskars - Apron Lace Border Punch; SU! - Paper Piercer; Stapler; BG - Precision Filing Set
Miscellaneous: AC - White Zing embossing powder; white gel pen

Just as I finished up this card the Posty came, with my new DIARY! xD. Soooo excited about this. I decided to invest in an A5 one, as the A6 I had was too small for all my mess throughout the day. I got a plain black one, as I have decided I want to decorate it, when this might be is anyones guess. But I WILL get around to it before the thing is full up and I'm due for a new one.

Here is it in all its plain glory...

Thats all for now folks thanks for stopping by, I will probably be back later with a few more pictures of bits and bobs!! :)

Lou. xo

Friday, 15 October 2010

Mojo 160 & PDCC 51

Evening all, hope you have had a good Friday, mine.. we'll it has been very productive to say the least! :) After I had tided my room, the bathroom and the kitchen I decided to take time out and sit down to create a card, or three. The first one I came up with was based around the sketch challenge over at Mojo Monday, this is only the second time I have ever entered this challenge.

This was the sketch..

And this is the card I came up with..

& a close up of those dinky little buttons and the gorgeous 'mottled effect' if thats what you would call it? butterflies..

This card originally started out in my mind as a Chrismas card, considering I was using Christmas patterned paper, it seemed like the right thing to do. But nothing is ever straight forward when crafting it is? :) Infact, I think I like the way it turned out better than I would of if I had made it into a Christmas card!!

Solid card stock: Bazzill - Kraft; SU! Old Olive, Sahara Sand & Whisper White
Patterened paper: BG - Eskimo Kisses
Ink: SU! - Old Olive & Bashful Blue
Stamp: Hero Arts - Big Hugs
Buttons: BG - Eskimo Kisses
Tools: WRMK - Corner Chomper; MM - Slice (Fa La La ); Fiskars - Apron Lace Border
Miscellaneous: White gel pen; white emboridery thread; Ranger - Glossy Accents

Hope you like my little creation! I shall enter it into the competition and see what happens from there. Head on over to Mojo Monday now to enter into the 160th Week Challenge before Sunday (17th) night , join in the fun!

Edit: 15/07/10 22:18 - Also entering this into PDCC51. This is the colour combo for the competiton..

By designer Sarah Anderson.. Thank you to Jo who recommended I enter my card into this challenge too as the colours are pretty similar!!

I will aim to get my other projects uploaded sometime this week!!

Lou. xo

Thursday, 14 October 2010


Hey all, last post for the night, I promise. :) I just had to had to get my WOYWW picture entered, as this is the first week I have ever entered the blog club, if you could call it that.

Here goes..

So I'm posting this on a Thursday, but that doesn't make a difference right? I hope not anyway..

Soo.. what can we see? Centre stage on my cutting mat, which I use as a craft mat/protective surface on my desk as well as a cutting mat, is the wedding card I made today. :) Above that there are some patterned papers from American Crafts I Do paper collection, YUM!! I love the cool mint greens. Directly on the right hand side are some Hero Arts and American Crafts stamps and SU! ink on top of my Fiskars paper trimmer {Love}, I have had that little thing since I first began crafting!

On the left hand side of the desk are my tools, you can tell I'm left handed from this picture!! My trusty little Making Memories Slice, I love love love that thing! My new little square (as near to Kraft as I can find without making them myself) envelopes, my little paper snips from SU!, some liquid pearls, foam adhesive, cello tape, and of course my laptop under all the junk with Kristina Werner playing in the background. There is my pencil case in the upper right hand corner, which I keep my bone folder, white gel pen and tweezers etc in, and beside that my recently lost once now found sponge which has been cut into various pieces to use with different inks.

Removable adhesive: green, permanent adhesive: pink. Versamark ink and some American Crafts white embossing powder which I keep in a little lunch box as it is quicker to both use and tidy away! :) Lying over the metal ruler on the acrylic block is my handmade stamp. It reads.. Handmade by Louise McConnachie in Century Gothic font, simple and to the point! LOL.

What else to say? I don't think it is that much of a mess, I have seen it in a much worse state!! I craft on my work desk in the corner of my bedroom, and because my desk has multiple uses I have to tidy away whatever was on there before I can get anything else started. Therefore my desk only gets the chance to become messy whilst I'm in the process of making a card/project.

If you want to join in head on over to Julia's blog to get started.


Flower Decorations

Hey Hey Hey,

Here are some quick little (or not so little..) flower embellishments I make using the Bloom & Grow kit from My Minds Eye. :) I thought I would share them with you, as I haven't really been around all that much, so now you're getting 3 posts in one night!! LOL.

& there they are in all their glory. Pretty simple, pretty quick, but pretty neat. I have 3 made altogether, I use them to decorate my full length mirror which hangs on my bedroom wall, as I find they're too large to be used on cards, but they are too beautiful to be left unmade in the drawer!!


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