About Me

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Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland, United Kingdom
This is a blog I use to share my papercraft projects. I make them for friends and family, as well as selling them to fund my craft stash. You can get in touch with me at loumac03@gmail.com if you have any questions or would like to place a commissioned order.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

I Need This

Halfway through the week already. Can I get a YEAHHH?! ;)

Remember that little owl I said I was SO in love with from Angie Delarie Products? Uh huh?
I found him, all coloured up and ready to go.. wedged between two pages in my Green Eco SMASH*. He was looking all lonely and unloved, so there was only one thing for it.


He's coloured up in my fave combo right now - turquoise and orange! :)

Pretty simple layout. I wanted to make a record of some song lyrics that I can really relate to. Ever since I heard the song I've loved them, and on that particular day (17/08) they meant more to me than usual. 

Thank you for stopping by! Keep SMILING and keep SMASH*ING! xo


  1. awww love him!! So cute and the colours are lovely. Great page lou :)

  2. Lou, I just love this! I have already decided that I going to totally copy your layout. :D It is so easy and even a novice like me can do it. Thank you sweetie for such wonderful inspiration, whether that be in card form or a SMASH* page!

  3. There he is!! So cool and funky! Fun page!!! (yay Jessie J!)

  4. This looks amazing Lou, love the owl and funky design.

    Donna x


I would love to hear what you think. Thanks for taking the time to look. xo Lou.

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